Sorry I haven't posted anything on here for a while. A lot of you have probably stopped reading my blog with my infrequent writing as of late. I apologize profusely. I also apologize because those of you who for whatever reason enjoy reading my blog will probably get a bit of overload today. This will be the first post I make today and I'm going to postdate it by an hour or so, that way it will appear at the top of the page and explain why you're getting 3-5 blog posts at the same time. I haven't blogged in a while, I just want to catch everybody up on all of my thoughts. First, to something I know a lot of you care about, and something that I will touch upon lightly as a matter of relative topics in my other posts today, my dating life.
I'm sure many of you would like to know how I'm doing when it comes to dating. At least, if the number of people who asked me to send wedding invitations as they said goodbye to me in Utah is any indication, people want to know about that. Well, let me say that I haven't dated very much since arriving here, you've probably read the post about the Sadie Hawkins dance and seen the pictures of that date. Since then I've been on two dates, both of which were great and with great girls. Last week I was able to take a beautiful young lady to a Sheryl Crow concert after our stake temple trip. My roommate had access to free tickets to the show and offered them to me that Friday and I said I could probably find a use for them. We had lots of fun and it was fortunate that I gave her something to do once we got back from the temple, because she had leant her car keys to a friend and was locked out of her car until that friend returned.
As for non-last-minute dating, I did ask out one woman in my ward a few weeks ago. Those of you who know me probably know that I tend to see what I like and then go after it. This has its advantages and disadvantages. One of the disadvantages is that I tend to ignore other things around me, which is unfortunate. In this case, I've tended to ignore other women in my ward - there are many attractive girls here, but this young lady caught my eye the first time I saw her. Unfortunately for me, she is very busy with school and life in general, so I was only able to get an hour of her time two Saturdays ago. I enjoyed every minute of that hour and asked her if I might be able to borrow another hour of her time in the future. Hopefully I'll be able to get a second date with her soon once she returns home.
Other than that, not much has happened with dating. But I thought I'd update you all the same. Hope you read through the rest of the thoughts I've posted below - that way you can catch up on my last couple of weeks and some amazing experiences I've had, and that way I can share with you some things that have been on my mind (no worries, no politics).
cara menghilangkan kutil pada kelamin pria
6 years ago
Hey, I don't know if you knew that I follow your blog, but I like to keep up. You do a really nice job. I'm glad to see that you are doing so well.
I hope things work out with the girl.
If they don't, let me know because my best friend is living out there close by in Virginia. Maybe you two could hang out.
Anyway, I just wanted you to know that I still consider you a good friend and I am glad that you update your blog so that I know that you are happy.
Love, Marci
I am glad that you have some fun friends out in VA. I love all of the stories. Totally wonderful and hilarious. My favorite was the adventure that had Mike in the trunk and the Crocodile Dundee party. You look good in that kangaroo suit :)
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